Letter from 2023 Chamber President, Brenda McNeil

It is my great honor to serve as the President of the Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for 2023! This organization is near and dear to my heart, having been a member for 12 years and […]

Workforce Solutions + Time for the Trades 2023

Join Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce in filling and strengthening our workforce pipeline in ChescoWest. Attend one of our events, engage in panel discussions and support our initiatives as we help build tomorrow’s workforce. As a business or community […]

DiBiase Heating & Cooling Moves to Valley Township

Joe DiBiase decided to start DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company because of his experiences working for others. He knew he could build a business with effective organization, strong systems in place, leadership and structured in-house training that would develop a […]

PrixView Party Kick’s off Coatesville Grand Prix

Oh what a night ! The Chamber had a revving time partnering with the The City of Coatesville and the Race Committee of the Coatesville Invitational Vintage Grand Prix for the 2022 PrixView Party, which support the City’s Coatesville Parks […]

Gala on the Greene Celebrates Corporate Citizenship

The Chamber celebrated our annual Gala on the Greene, with presenting sponsor Presence Bank! We were able to honor Chester County Futures with the Chamber’s Annual Corporate Citizenship Recognition and First Resource for their community of caring commitment to supporting […]

Eyes on the Future in ChescoWest

Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce (WCCCC) held our annual Future Focus, Community Showcase at Victory Brewing Company in Parkesburg, with presenting sponsor, Meridian Bank. The event highlighted businesses that are expanding, building and investing in ChescoWest and what that means for the region. Valley Township, the City of Coatesville, Parkesburg and the Chester County Planning Commission were on site with project displays and opportunities.