Chester County SCORE
With over 100 certified mentors, experienced in just about every facet of business, SCORE provides free professional guidance to entrepreneurs and small business owners. Schedule a session with a SCORE mentor! Register for seminars and low cost Business Planning workshops. Visit them
GetonBoard Chesco
Get equipped for nonprofit committee and Board service; Find the right nonprofit for you, and; Provide support along the way, as you help your community. Are you eager to help make a positive impact in our world? Do you want to expand your professional and personal networks and develop useful skills for career advancement and personal growth? Were you involved as a community volunteer during your high school or college days and now that you’re busy with your career and/or family, can’t find the time or ‘right’ nonprofits? We can help.
Small Business Resource Guide | CDC
This guide provides plans, tools, tips, and information from across the web on how to keep your workers safe and well while managing time and cost investments.
Small Business Development Center
Kutztown Small Business Development Center provides entrepreneurs and small business owners with the knowledge needed to make smart decisions and prosper through access to no cost, confidential consulting services and learning opportunities. Visit Them
The U.S. Small Business Administration has delivered millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses. Visit them
Business Emergency Preparedness
There is much that a business leader can do to prepare his or her organization for the most likely hazards. The Ready Business program helps business leaders make a preparedness plan to get ready for these hazards Learn more
The Small Business Advantage Grant Program
Grants to Small Businesses and Farmers for Energy, Environmental Projects Grants Here
City of Coatesville Grant Opportunities
The 2nd Century Alliance, through its downtown revitalization initiative, offers matching grants up to $7,500 to property owners making improvements to their building façades. Three grants are awarded each year to property owners within the central business district in an effort to improve the aesthetic environment. The Small Business Support grant program provides 75% of project costs not to exceed $2,500.00 to help downtown businesses address a tangible need that will help them launch or grow to the next level.
Read more here