Throughout 2024 our Advocacy and Policy Committee will focus on many issues including the following priorities.
Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce is the unified voice for business. We are uniquely positioned to bring people together to solve problems, create jobs, promote business and improve the quality of life for our residents.
- The Chamber is committed to advocate for greater efficiency of infrastructure including reliable transportation, telecommunications, wireless and utility systems to build a better competitive and connected advantage for our businesses
- Timely Completion of the Coatesville Train Station
- Expansion of Septa Service to Coatesville for regional connectivity.
- Signage Enhancements to improve wayfinding
- Addressing the lack of data identifying the gaps we have on broadband coverage.
- Congestion & Safety mitigation along US 30 Bypass and Route 322
- The Chamber will advocate for policies and initiatives that help businesses, students and our residents prepare and access upskilling opportunities to meet the training needs sought from our local employers.
- Expand options in technical & vocational fields
- Need for post-secondary satellites in our region.
- K-12 alignment with workforce needs
- System-wide accountability standards for public workforce training programs
- The Chamber will facilitate partnerships that address the local affordable housing challenge that has an impact on our region’s ability to attract workforce.
- The Chamber will continue to serve as the bridge between municipalities to create an environment that encourages multi-municipal partnerships to alleviate Regional challenges that spread across municipal lines. Visit wcccog.com/ to learn more about the Western Chester County Council of Governments.
- The Chamber encourages legislators to prioritize investment and pro-growth policies; specifically- tax structures, permitting process, and regulatory climate.
The Chamber provides platforms for business owners to stay up to date on civic and regional community updates (Municipal Update Luncheon November) and insights on action and future plans in the area (Future Focus) as well as legislative and municipal roundtables and panels (Legislative Roundtable March and The Breakfast with the Commissioners January) so businesses can voice their concerns to elected officials at the local, county, state and federal levels.